
The Main Points

i. Go to Rang De website. Click here to go to the site
ii. Read around just to make sure you know what you are doing :)
iii. Register on their website Click here to register
(Remember you will need an email address to register)
iv. Make a social investment of Rs. 100. Click here to invest
v. Once you make a social investment just email me at aishmishra@gmail.com telling me the person you invested in and mentioning your email address. If you are already on Facebook, you could connect with me there or you could send me a message on Twitter. You can find me
vi. I will note it down and match it with Rs 100 from my side. Click here to view what I note down

Now isn't it as simple as "One good turn deserves another" or to speak in Diwli sale lingo "Buy one get one free"